Management and Control  2021-5-17

    In order to further improve staff skills, strengthen quality control, better meet customer needs, and enable the company to develop healthily, the company has recently formulated a long-term development plan of "management and control".
    In the morning of May 17th, led by the general manager office, organized by the administrative department and participated by all the management of the company, the "management and control" launch meeting of the company's long-term development plan was held as scheduled.
    Conference began, the general manager eagerly forward some hope, hope to get promoted, frontline staff skills hope management more strengthen quality consciousness, era all the time in the development of the society all the time are in progress and advanced technology will only become more advanced, only let us more consummate skills, quality more strictly, to survive in this era of crisis and opportunities coexist.

    Administration department manager is put forward, in the future we in order to meet the production process, not just job skills training and promotion, but also pay attention to study more advanced technology, set up internal training incentive mechanism, it will also regularly employ the senior teacher to lecture, cyclical expats to learn advanced technology, when opportunity comes, we will be able to cope.
    The production manager put forward that the equipment in our hand is our eating tools, and we should not only know how to use it, but also understand the principle, and the products in our hand are our delicacies. We should not only understand their properties, but also summarize its routines, and know ourselves and the enemy in order to be invincible.
    The quality manager pointed out that the abnormality did not occur suddenly, so we would go deeper into the front line and control the quality in the process. In addition to the fixed quality control posts, we would dispatch people to the processing site for inspection from time to time, so as to find and solve the problem as early as possible, stop the flow as early as possible, and make up for the material, so as to ensure the quality of products and guarantee the delivery time of customers.

Copyright Owner:ShenZhen Dema Pcb CO.,LTD
